Ensalapláts a.k.a. Alexanderplatz

Come on, say it out loud. You have to love it. Try saying both versions out loud. My heart melts a little everytime you say it. That’s where we live, pretty much. Our home for 5 months in Berlin, where you finally learned how to ride your Laufrad (forwards and backwards); where you chased pigeons (I […]

I’m sorry you had to hear that

While attempting to make some mommy-friends, someone crossed our path who I would’ve loved to keep away from you for as long as possible, if not forever. This is the sort of person who can hurt your feelings because you’re you, and not the person she would have you be. After about an hour of […]

No, nada, mamá…

I was lucky enough to share this moment with your grandpa who was visiting us in Berlin that week (the first week of July 2010): Abuelo was making lunch in the kitchen, as he often is, and you had been a very good girl by playing on your own all morning. As abuelo finished preparing […]

Favourite animal? The slide!

I rescued this one from facebook. It was posted on May 2, 2010. That was the first day we went to the Berlin Zoo, you, your dad and I. We bought Jahreskarten right away because we knew it was something you’d love and want to visit often. We found so much more than we had […]


This one has been way less embarrassing than it would’ve been had we been living in Spain. Luckily enough, Germany and France don’t associate a big bad word to the sound “pootah”. What made this mispronunciation even more dramatic was the fact that you spent half your day asking for fruit. It has been your […]

¿Sabes, mamá? Estoy contigo en Berlín.

I was afraid of how you would adapt to our new life in Berlin. Little did I know that being able to go to a different park/playground every day, eating literally kilos of summer fruits every week, and living in a bigger apartment with new, exciting things, would largely make up for whatever discomfort the […]


Who knew it was that difficult for a baby to make hard “c” sounds? One of the easy meals we liked cooking up for you during the winter of your 2nd year was egg sunny-side-up, pommes rissolées and a squirt of ketchup. You didn’t love the egg, nor the ketchup at first, but you soon […]

For you

You’re almost 3 years old and I’ve been writing to/about you on and off since you were born. Some of it is written on paper… with a pen… using my hand… Zeus, I’m old! Then came facebook and I had to start sharing your genius with the world. Not everyone is lucky enough to have […]