Another thing you probably don’t notice yet about me is that my German is not very good. Apart from the French accent that I have when I speak it, my grammar and conjugation are just a mess. There’s also the lack of vocabulary which I usually make up for by using the word in English […]
Okay, okay, you’re right. This one I’m writing more for myself. It’ll probably help me through a rough patch with you when you’re older and hating me for being strict, embarrassing or just plain boring. This summer you’ve really taken a liking to talking. You want and need to communicate. Constantly. Those frustrating moments where […]
Come on, say it out loud. You have to love it. Try saying both versions out loud. My heart melts a little everytime you say it. That’s where we live, pretty much. Our home for 5 months in Berlin, where you finally learned how to ride your Laufrad (forwards and backwards); where you chased pigeons (I […]
This one has been way less embarrassing than it would’ve been had we been living in Spain. Luckily enough, Germany and France don’t associate a big bad word to the sound “pootah”. What made this mispronunciation even more dramatic was the fact that you spent half your day asking for fruit. It has been your […]
I was afraid of how you would adapt to our new life in Berlin. Little did I know that being able to go to a different park/playground every day, eating literally kilos of summer fruits every week, and living in a bigger apartment with new, exciting things, would largely make up for whatever discomfort the […]